Sunday, August 18, 2013

Strang'n Beans

So this weekend has been busy - the norm of late...

Today I decided I needed to see my mom, so I went to "The Burg" this morning and hung out awhile and helped snap beans for mom's canning-mania. Mom has this old 1950's pressure-canner and about 4 billion mason jars - and I think she uses all of them every fall. Mom picked the beans yesterday from the garden. I wrote about "Stick'n the Beans" back on July 1st.

I was only there a few hours, but by the time I left I had managed to assist in producing 5 quart jars full of beans for mom to can, eat my fill of momma food and prune my fingers within an inch of their lives....

Mom planted red beans, turkey-craws, and rattlesnake beans. As you can see above, there was some more color in my week!

Yes, I wasted time taking pictures and that made mom laugh a bit. She was laughing at my mania...

Just as a side note, I got to see low lying clouds on the drive to the Burg and while we were snapping those beans a large doe showed up to graze in the yard. I managed to snap a photo of her without completely spooking her...

I cooked up some fresh beans tonight...

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